ICI  In-House Communications, Inc.  You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.  If your first contact with a new customer is by phone, let ICI give your company the professional Ad-Vantage you need in today’s competitive marketplace.  


 About Us 

ICI  In-HouseCommunications, Inc. has been providing customers with professional On Hold services for over 25 years.  Our award winning, professionally produced On Hold messages assure increased sales and customer satisfaction for your business.

Our customer base consists of medical offices, auto dealerships, restaurants, hotels, spas, and retailers and wholesalers across the United States.  Let ICI become a successful and cost-effective addition to your overall marketing strategy.   Programs start at just $150.  Call today for a free customized quote. (248) 594-8656.

Give yourself the Telephone Ad-Vantage with ICI's custom On Hold Programs

 Message On Hold Facts:

  • An estimated 70% of business callers are put On Hold.  
  • AT&T study cited 70% of businesses placing callers on hold have an average hold time of 45 seconds. If you could tell your callers anything in 45 seconds, what would that be?
  • 90% of callers prefer messages On Hold over silence or radio. Do you want your customers and clients sitting in silence?
  • 15% to 20% of callers make purchases based on information they heard On Hold. What an easy and inexpensive way to have an "extra sales person" permanently on your staff.
  • According to a CNN survey, nearly 60% of business callers placed on hold will hang up.  30% won't call back.  Don't let that happen with your valued customers.


"ICI's message on hold system gives me peace of mind. I know my customers are being attended to at all times, and while on hold they're being educated about my products and services in the most professional way." -- Henry Tazzia, President, Controlled Power Company.

"If I play the radio on hold I run the risk of my customers hearing my competitor's advertising. ICI's custom messages on hold keep my customers focused on my dealership and services, and that's exactly what I want." -- Dan Van Warmer, Cadillac Dealership owner.

"I feel like this gives us a competitive edge. With ICI's custom messages on hold we can talk about all of our amenities and our onsite restaurant to callers who are deciding to book a stay with us." --Kelly Ryan, Embassy Suites Hotel 


P.O. Box 1836  

Birmingham,  MI  48012

(248) 594-8656   Fax: (248) 282-0313 
